FREE Step-by Step 19 pg Guide to Building Resilience
FREE 73 pg Workbook on Tools for Clients to Use During the Holidays
FREE 8 pg Workbook on Grief Work
We all experience losses in our lives. And although it is common and natural, we are not educated or trained to deal with losses. At times we feel societal pressure to suppress our feelings regarding major life transitions and continue living as if nothing happened....
Worksheet on Managing Difficult Conversations over the Holidays
Managing Difficult Conversations During the Holiday Season Objective To successfully manage difficult conversations with loved ones during the holidays. What to Know Family gatherings might become tense when topics of disagreement arise with loved ones. Such...
FREE 64 pg Ebook on Techniques for Trauma Work
Article on Holiday Stress & Anxiety
Tis the season for holiday stress and anxiety Written by Elise The holidays are a time to be merry and cheerful, right? No? Don’t worry, it’s not just you—this season can be seriously stressful and even sad for a lot of people. .Everyone’s experience is different, but...
Mobile Apps that Support Mental Health
Article: “Update on 988 Suicide Lifeline”
FREE 1,275 pg E-book on Terrifying Transference
Terrifying Transferences: Aftershocks of Childhood Trauma by Lawrence Hedges How can therapists treat patients’ primitive anxieties and overwhelming terrors that are not accessible to verbal interpretation or insight? In psychotherapy the traumas suffered in infancy...