FREE 43 page Ebook on Interior Design (Therapy Setting)
Top Tips for Preventing Cyberbullying
Article: What to do if a client Experiences a Panic Attack during a Session
“Bringing Pornography Use out of the Shadows”
Great article on “Bringing Pornography Use out of the Shadows can be viewed at...
15 Minute VIDEO on Teletherapy & Suicidal Clients
FREE 715 Page Download of EBook on Countertransference
Tip on Dealing w/client who makes you feel unsafe
Coping Strategies for Holiday Anxiety
Excerpt from Sierra Tucson Newsletter Coping strategies to help lift the heavy shroud of stressors in time for the holidays, and that can lead us onto paths filled with hope: Have candid, respectful, loving conversations with loved ones about everyone’s expectations....
New Trauma Outpatient Program in N. CHARLESTON
Article on Conflict
Avoiding Liability Bulletin on “Conflict”– December 2021 by Richard Leslie, Esq. Mental health practitioners may encounter conflicts, or what is also referred to as “conflicts of interest,” during the course of conducting their private practices and in other...