Article: “How to put yourself first every day”
FREE 32 page Downloadable Booklet on The Science of Addiction
“Good Food for Great Mood”
Article: ” The danger of mixing alcohol and drugs”
See how mixing alcohol and depressants can lead to delirium and hallucinations. Do you know the dangers of mixing alcohol and stimulants? They include heart attacks and strokes. Deadly hypoxia occurs when mixing alcohol with opioids. This article explores these topics...
Article: Can a spouse be punished by the Family Court for committing adultery?
What are the penalties the family court can impose on a spouse who commits adultery or other marital fault? It is very common for me to consult with an emotionally distraught person whose spouse has committed marital fault. The most common form being adultery. For...
GREAT Article on “Duty to the Patient” = Answers questions about Mandated Reporting issues
Article can be viewed at
Article: “Hope: Is it Teachable?”
Hope — Is It Teachable? Given all we are facing these days, we are all looking for things to be hopeful about. So let's talk about hope — is it teachable? Ten years ago, when I was at the World Health Organization (WHO) presenting a film I made on mental health, I met...
Colleague Publishes “I Love Play Therapy Anytime Daily Planner for Therapists”
Hello Friends and colleagues! The NEW “I Love Play Therapy” Anytime Daily Planner FOR THERAPISTS is here, and it is easy to order online! Checkout the VIDEO to learn about all of its features at Narumi Amador, LPC, RPT, CTF-CBT,...
Article: “What do Dreams about Snakes Mean?”
Meet Justina Lasley
Referral Resource needed for Psychiatrist for Teen with RAD
I have a 15 year old male with Reactive Attachment Disorder. I am looking for a psychiatrist who has experience with Reactive Attachment Disorder, who could help with treatment options (full evaluation). Any help would be greatly appreciated. In the Myrtle Beach area...