Great article on Supplements & Depression
FREE Book Download – 150 pages
See What I'm Saying: What Children Tell Us Through Their Art Is your child in good emotional health? Overly fearful? Struggling with a problem? Typical for his or her age? Myra Levick, Ph.D., says that the answers to all these questions can be seen in how and what...
Great Article: Helping Clients Develop a Healthy Relationship With Social Media
Helping clients develop a healthy relationship with social media
FREE Access to Comic Book on Trauma & Loss
Fairy Tale Comic Book available FREE Online! This is an accessible and appealing story illustrating how someone can be affected by trauma or loss, and how the healing process occurs, step by step. A Fairy Tale is designed to help people understand what has happened to...
Great Article on “Social Media Narcissism in Young Adults”
Click on link to view article:
FREE Compassion Fatigue Virtual Retreat Now Available on Demand
A Message from Macie P. Smith, Ed.D: The Virtual Compassion Fatigue Retreat was a great success. We had a great time with people attending from all over the world! And the speakers did not disappoint. The information, strategies, tools, and tips shared were...
FREE 73 page Client Activity Book!
Sometimes you need assignments that get your clients to think “outside the box.” Assignments that are creative. Assignments that are fun. Assignments that challenge your clients to think a little differently about themselves. Assignments that stimulate insight. You...