FREE 289 page E-Book “Terror in Psychotherapy”
Terror in Psychotherapy Author: Lawrence Hedges, PhD PsyD ABPP Contemporary neuroscience, infant research, and relational psychotherapy make clear that we are a relational species—that our brain and neurological systems actually organize in the first year of life...
FREE 55 page eBook on How to Create a Trauma-informed System of Care
FREE 171 Page eBook with worksheets to use with your Clients on resilience & problem behaviors during the Pandemic
FREE 171-page EBOOK WITH 40 THERAPEUTIC WORKSHEETS For the first time ever, is giving away a complete assignment workbook, Taking Care of Your Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic. In the book, you’ll find 20 worksheets that address problem...
Article on Alzheimer’s: “Learning to Accept an Unacceptable Diagnosis”
Learning to Accept An Unacceptable Diagnosis.pdf
Article on Kids and Screen Time – Surprising Research
FREE Multi-page Module on Managing Depression
Behavioural Strategies.pdf
FREE Fun Feelings Game!
FREE Sleep Hygiene Information Sheet
Sleep Information Sheet.pdf
FREE Virtual Peer Tutoring Grades 6-12!
FREE 79 page Therapist Manual for Helping Youths Handle Aggression
Getting Along & Keeping Cool.pdf (79 pgs) The effect of aggressive behavior on young people and others in their lives can be far-reaching. This is a skills-based group program which allows the young person to learn and practice the skills needed for aggression...