FREE worksheets for Clients “Creating a Vision of a Happier Life” “Think Positive Game” and “Embracing your Worries with Humor”
At Between Sessions we work around the clock to help you find new ways to help your clients with tools you can download like: Creating a Vision of A Happier Life A worksheet designed to help motivate clients to change by writing down how their lives could change in...
FREE 604 page E-Book Psychodynamic Approaches to Clinical Practice
Useful Servants: Psychodynamic Approaches to Clinical Practice Clinicians new to psychodynamic thought (as well as laymen who have some basic familiarity with psychoanalytic ideas) will find this a useful introduction to the variety of clinical approaches to...
FREE Suicide Awareness Toolkit
Toolkit to Combat the Aftermath of Controversial Media Following the Netflix release of 13 Reasons Why in 2017, many mental health, suicide prevention, and education experts from around the world expressed a common concern about the series’ graphic content and...
Wm J. McCord Center Update
Through partnerships with Orangeburg Consolidated School District 5 and Orangeburg-Calhoun Adult Education, the students are able to continue their studies by being placed on Homebound Education if they are enrolled in a school in the hometown OR work on their GED if...
Article: “Where are the Senior Resources?”
ASK DR. MACIE: Where Are The Senior Resources? By Dr. Macie Smith   May 27, 2018 “Now what do I do?†“I’m a caregiver for my aging mom, where do I go for help?†This is the question that was highlighted on the Ask Dr. Macie segment on OnPoint on WACH Fox...
Dealing Effectively with Licensing Boards’ Investigations
Dealing Effectively with Licensing Boards’ Investigations by Ofer Zur 1. Do not make custody recommendations or get involved with legal aspects of divorce and custody.  ·   One of the most common and, regretfully, frequent board complaints in recent...
FREE 113 page E-Book ” Therapeutic Exercises for Overcoming Depression”
Overcoming Depression: 44 Therapeutic Exercises Today, we’re offering a free download of Overcoming Depression, a workbook of 44 therapy tools designed to treat mild and moderate depression. Click on the book cover or the title below to download your book....
Article: “You are one Borderline Away from Losing your License”
You are One Borderline Away from Losing Your License Clinical Update By Zur Institute In my forensic/expert witness practice I have encountered the most fascinating and intriguing cases where BPD clients have gotten their (otherwise solid and ethical) therapists to...
Article: “Is there a Difference between Sex Addiction, Sex Offending & Sexual Misconduct?”
Is There a Difference Between Sex Addiction, Sex Offending and Sexual Misconduct? By Karen Brownd, CSAT, Director of the Center for Relationship and Sexual Recovery and Associate Clinical Director at The Ranch Recent accusations of sexual misconduct by celebrities...
FREE TOOLKIT: “After a Suicide: a Toolkit for Schools”
After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools This toolkit from SAMHSA and the Suicide Prevention Resource Center was developed in collaboration with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and in consultation with national experts, including school-based...