FREE E-Book “Facing our Cumulative Developmental Traumas”
Facing Our Cumulative Developmental Traumas provides meaningful, creative, and useful answers to the question: How can we help others through their deep personal struggles without scaring them off? This question is central to love, to intimacy, and to psychotherapy....
FREE Worksheet “How to change a stubborn negative belief”
Have you or your clients struggled with stubborn negative beliefs that can't be reasoned away? I call these embodied beliefs because they feel true, even if we intellectually realize they aren't true. To get to the root of these obstinate beliefs, I created an...
FREE Grief Support Toolkit Download
Toolkit for grief intervention for students - informative videos and modules available at
FREE Resource: Suicide Prevention Tools
It seems counter-intuitive, but suicide rates are actually lowest in the winter and go up in the late spring and summer. There are a variety of theories about why this is true including biochemical and environmental explanations. It seems most likely that depressed...
FREE E-book “Therapist Techniques and Client Outcomes” – 433 pages
Therapist Techniques and Client Outcomes Therapists will find this book helpful to learn what other therapists actually do in the therapy sessions. In reading the cases, therapists can identify similarities with their own clients and come up with new ways of...
Free Worksheet to Help with Compulsive Behaviors
Downloads to Help with Compulsive BehaviorMany clients struggle with compulsive and addictive behaviors, including binge eating, compulsive gambling, sex addictions, and drug and alcohol abuse. Addressing these problems typically begins by helping clients understand...
FREE 225 pg E-Book “Guru: Metaphors from a Psychotherapist”
GURU: Metaphors from a Psychotherapist Author: Kopp, Sheldon I have spent a very significant portion of my adult life immersed in that tough and tender dialogue known as psychotherapy, first as a patient and then as a therapist (and at times as a patient once more)....
FREE 2018 Mental Health Month Toolkit from Mental Health America
Mental Health America flyer.pdf
FREE Sample Downloads from Therapy Assignment Workbooks
This week we are highlighting our therapy assignment workbooks from our redesigned TherapyStore. Where you will find assignment workbooks for adults, teens, and children, and we're giving you samples from these collections for this week's free downloads Just click...
Family First Adolescent Services in PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDA
Family First_Brochure.pdf Read more >>> (8 pages)