4 FREE Downloads “New and unique ways to help your clients”
Are you looking for ways to inspire change and growth in your clients? Then look no further than We never stop thinking about how we can help therapists and counselors do their important work. For example: We publish up-to-the-minute tools like...
Article: “10 Tips for Holiday Sobriety”
10 Tips for Holiday Sobriety.pdf
FREE 200 pg E-Book “Beyond Blame: A New Way of Resolving Conflicts in Relationships” by Jeffrey Kottler
Blaming others is easy. But as author Jefrey Kottler shows, the key to resolving conflicts is not in what's wrong with others. We can find the key within ourselves and learn to react differently—when we understand the forces that maintain our self-defeating...
Article on Gift-giving and Receiving
Gift-giving in my own practice... I receive and give gifts throughout the year--on special occasions, to commemorate a successful therapeutic relationship, a graduation and many more moments worth marking. The holidays are an especially ripe time for this. A couple of...
FREE Worksheets on Boundaries, Forgiveness & Values
What's New? Forgiveness Many clients who continue to hang onto painful emotions related to a mistreatment—even though they have every right to hold those emotions—can receive great benefit from forgiveness therapy. A number of positive outcomes, such as a...
Sleep & Anxiety Treatment & Research Program at MUSC in CHARLESTON
TED Talk: Human Trafficking – Stop the Silence
TED Talk: Human Trafficking—Stop the Silence Catalleya Storm, a survivor of trafficking and abuse, presents a 10 minute TEDxTalk aimed at raising awareness about trafficking. In the brief presentation, Storm challenges several notions that many hold about...
Free Tools to Treat Excessive Worrying
Tools to Treat Excessive Worrying Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) affects more than 6.8 million people in the US, over 3% of the population. Fortunately, GAD Â is highly treatable and therapists now have some very specific protocols and tools to help clients get...
Article on “Treating Depression” by Ofer Zur
TREATING DEPRESSION Ofer Zur, PhD ( As a biopsychosocial disorder, depression requires a broad understanding of its causes and treatments. Psychotherapists who have only one or two ideas about the causes and treatment of depression are likely to...
Article “Dementia Care Planning is a Family Affair” by Macie Smith
Dementia Care Planning is a Family Affair.pdf