FREE Worksheet “What is Mindfulness?”
Provided by what-is-mindfulness.pdf
FREE addiction eBook for your clients
From Elements Behavioral Health.pdf
“Effective Communication and Fair Fighting” article
Jeff Koob is a colleague who has two published books and a blog which is about the psychology of human growth and living up to your potential. His last post was on “Effective Communication and Fair Fighting†and might interest you! You can view his blog at ...
FREE 200 pg E-Book “Beyond Blame” by Jeffrey Kottler
Beyond Blame Blaming others is easy. But as author Jefrey Kottler shows, the key to resolving conflicts is not in what's wrong with others. We can find the key within ourselves and learn to react differently—when we understand the forces that maintain our...
FREE Client Worksheet “Dysfunctional Thought Log”
This and other useful tools for working with clients is available at Dysfunctional Thought Log.pdf
FREE Technique “Pulled from a Hat” spotlighted on
Click Here to open PDF
Article “The Miracle Question that can help keep Sobriety on Track”
The Miracle Question That Can Help Keep Sobriety on Track August 7, 2017 By Alisha Irby, MS, Primary Therapist, Men’s Co-Occurring Disorders Program at The Ranch Imagine that one night while you were asleep there was a miracle, and the problem that brought you here...
Good Info on the Difference in Life Insurance Policies
Our mission at Main Street Financial, Inc. is to educate businesses and individuals on the process of Building and Protecting Wealth©. Our team is proud to serve as the premier educational resource, delivering over 30 years of experience, offering guidance, advice,...
FREE 234 page E-Book “Oppositional Defiant Disorders in Children”
Treating Conduct and Oppositional Defiant Disorders in Children Conduct and oppositional defiant disorders in children represent a predominant childhood referral problem, accounting for the majority of presenting problems to child and family agencies. Aggressive and...
Free Worksheet Download to Help Clients who need Constant Reassurance
Helping Clients Who Need Constant Reassurance Client's with anxiety disorders worry constantly about many aspects of their lives. They worry about what others think of them, about the safety and health of the ones they love, and they often worry about things that...