Free Video : After the betrayal
Couples struggling with infidelity are some of our most difficult clients… Do YOU have the techniques and skills to help them revive their troubled relationships? We developed the Trust Revival Method, based on our breakthrough research & clinical experience for...
Free PDF Download – Resource for getting unstuck in session
Most of us have been there. Those hard moments in session when you just don't know what to ask next or you feel stuck. The Solution-Based Approach is a question-based method, so coming up with the next question is quite important, and can some times be challenging....
World Premiere “Never Give Up” – a Complex Trauma Video by Youth for Youth – watch free on Youtube
World Premiere of Never Give Up.pdf
Free Worksheet Download “What are the Odds?” addresses catastrophic thinking
Free Download What Are the Odds? This form is designed to help clients understand and relinquish their catastrophic thinking. This is just a sample of hundreds of tools to help your clients with anxiety disorders only available as instant downloads on...
Free short Video download “After the betrayal”
From PESI Couples struggling with infidelity are some of our most difficult clients... Do YOU have the techniques and skills to help them revive their troubled relationships? We developed the Trust Revivial Method, based on our breakthrough research & clinical...
FREE 187 page E-Book “Back to One: A Practical Guide for Psychotherapists”
Back to One BACK TO ONE is simply that work on my Self which it is time for me to do now. In undertaking the writing of this book, I found myself drawn to the question of how to present it in perspective for those readers who do not know my earlier work. My current...
Free Worksheet Download “Embracing your Worries with Humor”
 Helping Clients Who Worry Too Much Technique of the Week It seems counter-intuitive to clients, but having them focus on their worries rather than avoid them is one of the most effective ways to overcome Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Clients may also be...
Free Download of Two Videos: Why do some people develop PTSD and some don’t? AND What we get Wrong in Treating Trauma
Two FREE 11 minute video downloads: Why do some people develop PTSD and some don't? and What we Get Wrong in Treating Trauma. Link to view both is From the National Institute for the Clinical Application of...
FREE FOR FAMILIES: Family Addiction Workshop Oct 13-15 in CHARLOTTE
Family Addiction Workshop.pdf
FREE CE Video on “Shame Shields” with Brene Brown
"I'm not worthy or good enough for love, belonging, or connection. I'm unlovable. I don't belong." That's the voice of shame, the universal emotion we're afraid to talk about. Yet clinicians agree that shame underpins today's most devastating clinical conditions...