
Free Video : After the betrayal

Couples struggling with infidelity are some of our most difficult clients… Do YOU have the techniques and skills to help them revive their troubled relationships? We developed the Trust Revival Method, based on our breakthrough research & clinical experience for...

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Free PDF Download – Resource for getting unstuck in session

Most of us have been there. Those hard moments in session when you just don't know what to ask next or you feel stuck. The Solution-Based Approach is a question-based method, so coming up with the next question is quite important, and can some times be challenging....

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Free short Video download “After the betrayal”

From PESI Couples struggling with infidelity are some of our most difficult clients... Do YOU have the techniques and skills to help them revive their troubled relationships? We developed the Trust Revivial Method, based on our breakthrough research & clinical...

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FREE CE Video on “Shame Shields” with Brene Brown

"I'm not worthy or good enough for love, belonging, or connection. I'm unlovable. I don't belong." That's the voice of shame, the universal emotion we're afraid to talk about. Yet clinicians agree that shame underpins today's most devastating clinical conditions...

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