Free Resource Worksheet Downloads
Free Downloads: Building A Support System to Overcome Your Problems Don't Be Alone Many clients who come to psychotherapy or counseling are cut off from the people around them. The nature of their problems may have caused them to slowly withdraw from social...
FREE 2017 Back-to-School Toolkit
FREE 2017 Back-to-School Toolkit from Mental Health America.pdf
FREE Worksheet on “Identifying your Safety Crutches”
Helping Clients Who Avoid Their Problems One of the key ingredients of the "third wave" of CBT techniques involves helping clients face their problems rather than avoiding them through elaborate machinations. In many instances, when client's say they are "coping" with...
FREE Therapy Behavioral Contract
Using Behavioral Contracts With Your Clients Here is a free download of a behavioral contract for clients to sign. Using this contract, clients are asked to state their therapy goals and the steps and techniques they'll use to achieve their goals. Â Research suggests...
FREE 173 page ebook: Attention Deficit Disorder and Learning Disabilities
Attention Deficit Disorder and Learning Disabilities To help parents, educators, and health-care professionals, we have written this book to summarize what is currently known about the causes, the assessment, and the treatment of ADHD and learning disabilities....
Counseling/Play Therapy Book “No, No Elizabeth!” by SC Author Carmen Jimenez
FREE 200 page ebook: The Imperfect Therapist
The Imperfect Therapist The authors discuss the fears about professional effectiveness, treatment outcomes, and legal risks and then outline the defenses - such as denial of failure, overwork, isolation and substance abuse - that therapists often use to avoid facing...
FREE 247 page ebook: The Naked Therapist
The Naked Therapist Embarrassment is inevitable from time to time. For each of us situations arise for which we simply are unprepared. At times this is a matter of circumstances demanding more of us than we had anticipated. In other instances we cannot cope because we...
Article: 3 Brain and Body-Based Therapies that can Help Heal Preverbal trauma
3 Brain and Body-Based Therapies That Can Help Heal Preverbal Trauma A Promises trauma therapist explains how the seeds of trauma can be planted as early as pregnancy. Continue Reading
Great article to share with clients on the Benefits of Water from WellnessBeyondFifty
We all know water intake is important.pdf