
FREE 10 min video and worksheet on Cognitive Conceptualization

Cognitive conceptualization is really the cornerstone of doing effective cognitive therapy. Doing therapy without a good case conceptualization is like going hiking on a trail in the mountains without a map... In this FREE short video, Dr. Jeff Riggenbach shows you...

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FREE Worksheets on Motivating Your Clients to Change

Motivating Your Clients to Change The therapeutic process is hard work and your clients come to therapy with the expectation that changing will be easier thanks to your help.  But how are you as a therapist able to know what motivates your clients? This worksheet,...

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FREE Worksheets for Challenging Clients

Every therapist has at least one client who presents an ongoing treatment challenge. They may be unmotivated, they may be resistant to therapy, they may even be belligerent and argumentative. Therapy assignments can really make a difference in your work with these...

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