FREE Therapeutic Technique Handout from Liana Lowenstein
Featured technique ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add to your repertoire of creative therapeutic interventions. Check out the monthly featured technique on Liana Lowenstein’s website at This month’s is provided here -- The...
Free 232 pg E-book “Make Every Session Count”
Make Every Session Count: Getting the Most Out of Your Brief Therapy  Brief therapy is the name of the game in health care today. Managed care systems, university counseling centers, and insurance companies have restructured the concept of therapy, demanding...
FREE TOOLS (Videos/downloadable worksheets) to improve your practice. – from PESI
Developing Body Awareness.pdf
Article – When your child is a psychopath
Joseph Rufus Wofford shared this article, which is interesting and disturbing: “Decent article about conduct disorder with limited prosocial emotions (strong precursor for antisocial personality d/o). You can listen to it on soundcloud in the background while you...
Ofer Zur Article: Common Faulty Beliefs In Psychotherapy
8 Myths Or Faulty Beliefs.pdf
“Why Secrets can Ruin Relationships” – Article by Rob Weiss
Why Secrets Can Ruin Relationships.pdf Why Secrets Can Ruin Relationships When trust is jeopardized, can you maintain intimacy? By Robert Weiss, LCSW, CSAT-S One of the great concerns in many romantic relationships involves secrecy vs. privacy. One partner thinks...
FREE 331 pg Ebook: “The First Session with Substance Abusers”
The First Session with Substance Abusers It is during the critical first session with substance abusers that clinicians have the first, and all too often the last, opportunity to break through the wall of denial and create an atmosphere of trust that is so crucial to...
FREE Download from SAMHSA on Complex Trauma: Resource Guide for Youth
New Complex Trauma Resource.pdf
FREE Resource from PESI “Meditation: R.A.I.N. of Self-Compassion”
Click here to open PDF
Ongoing Study on Magnetic Stimulation and Sleep at Medical University of SC in CHARLESTON
Low Field Magnetic Stimulation (LFMS) and Subjective/Objective Measures of Sleep  Contact Allison Wilkerson, , 843.792.4636  Description: This study is a double-blind, sham-controlled crossover pilot study of low field magnetic stimulation...