New Website gives Info on Evidence-Based Treatments for Families in SC
WEB Announcement-3-2017.pdf
FREE Client Worksheet to Help clients with Catastrophic Thinking
Free Download  What Are the Odds? This form is designed to help clients understand and relinquish their catastrophic thinking
Free Poster Download “Trauma & Self-Care – 11 Practices to Promote Well-Being” from PESI
FREE Handout Downloads To Help Depressed Clients
And little things can make a big difference. For example, one of our new worksheets, Three Good Things, was used in a study of severely depressed people and 94% reported improvement of their symptoms in just two weeks. In another study done by Sonja Lyubomirsky  (The...
FREE E-Book “Good Enough – Stop Seeking Perfection and Approval”
GOOD ENOUGH  – STOP SEEKING PERFECTION & APPROVAL Stop looking for perfection and start doing your best work. This guide includes: Why seeking perfection is blocking your success The truth about "gaining approval" How you can do your best work and put your best...
Overview of services provided by Charleston Jewish Family Services – available to all religions or races
At a meeting of the Tricounty Victims Council, Sara Chesley at Charleston Jewish Family Services presented information about services they provide. They see clients of all religions and races and can help people who can't pay and who can't come to the office. ...
FREE Downloadable Worksheets for Parents with an Adult Child Living at Home
Lots of great FREE downloadable worksheets for Parents with an Adult Child Living at Home, including:  Rules for Living at Home Household Expectations Monthly Behavior Chart  Go to  ...
Free Stress Management Worksheets
Introduction to Stress Management.pdf
FREE Worksheets from Panic Attack Workbook – from Between Sessions
Between Sessions Resources is proud to introduce the just released Panic Attack Workbook. Click here to get free sample worksheets from the Panic Attack Workbook: What are the Odds? Tolerating Your Distressing Thoughts and Feelings Best wishes, Lawrence E. Shapiro,...
FREE Handout from PESI “Lazy River guided imagery”
From: PESI CE [] Subject: [Free Handout] Lazy River guided imagery... Many clients have trouble being mindful. This simple guided imagery handout is an effective way for your clients to practice noticing and dismissing thoughts,...