FREE 370 pg E-Book “Alcoholism & Treatment”
ALCOHOLISM & TREATMENT Author: David J. Armor, J. Michael Polich, Harriet B. Stambul Most studies of alcoholism treatment focus on the single issue of treatment success. The unusual richness of the NIAAA data on drinking behavior, encompassing large and...
Service Member & Family Care Programs & Services
Vet Services brochure.pdf
Summer Academic Sessions begin June 6 in MT PLEASANT and DANIEL ISLAND
Summer Poster.pdf
“Breaking your Tech Habit”
Tina Arnoldi wanted to share a PsychCentral article on Breaking your Tech Habit. To view go to:
FREE New Vicarious Trauma Toolkit
New Vicarious Trauma Toolkit for First Responders and Victim Service Providers.pdf
Article “How Maggie the Dog Helps Troubled Children Overcome Trauma”
Please see link for news article highlighting AOP’s (Anderson Oconee Pickens Mental Health Center) Employee of the Year, Judie Cooper and therapy dog, Maggie. Judie is also a member of the SC Assn for LPCs.  How Maggie the dog helps troubled children overcome...
FREE E-Book “Alcoholism and Treatment”
Most studies of alcoholism treatment focus on the single issue of treatment success. The unusual richness of the NIAAA data on drinking behavior, encompassing large and heterogeneous national samples of alcoholics in treatment as well as normal drinkers in the general...
FREE Ebook “Intensive Psychotherapy of the Borderline Patient”
"With the erudition and clinical sensitivity that characterizes his earlier work on the subject of psychotherapy, Chessick has now turned to the broad topic of narcissistic disorders. He has undertaken the ambitious task of integrating what is currently known about...
New Website gives Info on Evidence-Based Treatments for Families in SC
WEB Announcement-3-2017.pdf
FREE Client Worksheet to Help clients with Catastrophic Thinking
Free Download  What Are the Odds? This form is designed to help clients understand and relinquish their catastrophic thinking