FREE 4 Minute Video from PESI “When Therapeutic Breathing Doesn’t Work”
You don't always have to know what's going on with your clients in order to help them work something out... One client I had just didn't benefit from therapeutic breathing, so I tried something different. Let me show you how I helped her. Enjoy the video, Mary...
FREE 42 pg ebook: “Relentless Hope: The Refusal to Grieve”
Relentless Hope The title of this book is Relentless Hope: The Refusal to Grieve. An alternative title, however, could have been Transformation of Relentless Hope: A Relational Approach to Sadomasochism. At the end of the day and as will become clear in reading,...
FREE Communication Worksheets for Client Work
Great FREE downloadable Communication Worksheets for use with Client can be found at
FREE 914 page ebook: The Talking Cures
How and why did the psychoanalytic psychotherapies arise out of psychoanalysis a half-century ago? What are the similarities and the differences–in goals, strategies, and results–between psychoanalysis and the psychotherapies,  and how have they changed over...
Activities for Children & Adolescents – free from Nat’l Child Traumatic Stress Netwk
Whether stuck somewhere due to weather conditions, relocated away from home, or sheltering-in-place with or without electricity, you will want to engage your children in activities in order to help them stay calm or keep them from being bored. Below are links to a...
FREE Worksheet to Help Cts Take Responsibility for their own Progress
Helping Clients Take Responsibility for Their Own Progress Studies tell us that when clients are asked to give feedback to their therapists on their progress, more than half report better therapy outcomes. This week's free worksheet asks clients to consider anything...
FREE 425 pg ebook: Therapy Wars
This volume provides a forum for eminent clinicians of diverse persuasions to share, in ordinary language, their clinical formulations of and treatment plans for the same psychotherapy patient— one not selected or nominated by those therapists—and then to discuss...
3 FREE Worksheets on Cognitive Restructuring
Cognitive Restructuring.pdf
15 pages of FREE Therapeutic worksheets
From a website called - link to download 15 pages of free therapeutic worksheets is
Info on Healthcare for Homeless Vets in COLUMBIA
HCHV outreach brochure pdf