GREENVILLE Vet Center serving Upstate SC and parts of NC
Greenville Vet Center Brochure.pdf
View 30 min “Beyond Silence” documentary intended to combat misrepresentation of mental illness
Be Vocal.pdf
Free Worksheet from “Developing your Nurturing Inner Voice”
Check out this worksheet Developing Your Nurturing Inner Voice. Between Sessions Resources 203-517-0543| |
235 page FREE Ebook: “Incest and Sexuality”
This book has been written for survivors of incest who want to explore both how the sexual abuse may have affected their sexuality and what they can do about it. Intimate partners of survivors and therapists who have clients who are survivors may also find this book...
More FREE downloadable Worksheets and Interactive Tools
For more great FREE downloadable worksheets to use with clients on a variety of topics, go to You can also sign up for a FREE basic account which gives you access to FREE weekly interactive tools Great stuff!
FREE Therapeutic and Self-Help Worksheets
Great source for all kinds of therapeutic and self-help worksheets:
FREE 1 hr. CE VIDEO Overcoming Shame in Trauma Treatment
Shame often acts as a barrier to resolving trauma. Full participation in life, pleasure and healthy self-esteem are counteracted by recurrent bouts with the emotion. In this FREE 1 hr CE Video, trauma treatment expert Janina Fisher looks at shame from a...
FREE 6 min Video: A Breathing Antidote for Stress Response (from Psychotherapy Networker)
6 Minute Exercise for Overcoming Stress Our depressed clients don’t only exhibit their symptoms through speech and vocal tone. You see them in their body language too—in slouching torsos, folded arms, and shallow breathing. But according to Jim Gordon, Director of...
FREE 1 hr CE Video on Mindfulness from PESI
We know how much you care about your clients, and how much personal energy you put into your clinical work. But, do you have enough time and energy left over to take care of yourself? It's so easy to get caught up in everyday details. That's why we're inviting you to...
FREE Worksheet from Between Sessions – New Techniques To Help Depressed Clients
New Techniques To Help Depressed Clients This week's download What Went Right? -This worksheet is designed to help clients develop a more positive attitude towards themselves and others. It asks clients to focus on three things that went right each day and what they...