FREE Worksheets: Addressing Catastrophic Thinking & Refuting Irrational Thoughts
Helping Clients Who Suffer From Catastrophic Thinking Catastrophic thinking, ruminating about irrational worst-case outcomes, is very common in people with anxiety disorders. This type of thinking makes people avoid situations because of their fear that something...
FREE 756 page Ebook: The Emerging Goddess
Why study creativity and creative processes? We are at a point in history where we possess far more systematic information about psychological approaches and psychological functioning—small as it still is in an absolute sense—than any of the thinkers possessed who...
3 FREE Worksheets: Tools To Treat Highly Negative Clients – from
Treating Highly Negative Clients October 13, 2016 This week's free downloads:  Coping Strategies for Recovering From A Break-Up Enhancing Self-Esteem by Counteracting Negative Self-Talk Giving Up Judging People Negatively  Very negative clients can be...
Resources to Learn about Multiple Sclerosis
There are some great educational resources on MS -- there is a high level of depression in people with MS. Dr. Sara Minden’s clinical bulletin on mood disorders and Dr. Ralph Benedict’s clinical bulletin on cognition are also great resources. If your...
Free Worksheet on Teaching Clients Emotional Regulation from
Teaching Clients Emotional Regulation Virtually all forms of psychotherapy and prevention programs involve teaching people emotional regulation skills. Emotional regulation includes many specific skills, including tolerating emotional discomfort, identifying feelings,...
Article: Mental Illness, Addiction & Digital Infedility
MI Addiction Dig Infidelity Article.pdf
MS Society seeking Providers to join Referral List AND Resources for working with Cts with MS
The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is seeking mental health providers who are interested in MS and would like to be on the chapter’s referral list (form attached). Also, there are some great educational resources on MS in case you’d like to learn more. ...
More Free downloadable Interactive Therapy Homework worksheets from
Interactive Therapy Homework  At we work every day to bring you techniques that can really engage your clients. We know that therapeutic homework can be perceived as boring, so we try and develop tools that are unique and interactive while still...
How to SafeGuard your Data against Ransomware
How to safeguard your data against ransomware September 28, 2016 by Tom Valentino, Senior Editor BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE Published in Behavioral Healthcare Magazine ( In the seconds it takes to read the first paragraph of this story, your...
FREE 6 min. Video Download: Peter Levin’s Secret to Releasing Trauma from the Body
Watch Healing in an Actual Session with a Combat Veteran Suffering from PTSD Peter Levine — September 19, 2016 Among the first to fully realize that humans have an innate psychophysiological capacity for overcoming trauma, Peter Levine developed Somatic...