FREE Resource for Clients — Crisis TEXT line!
Crisis Text Line serves anyone, in any type of crisis, providing access to free, 24/7 support and information via the medium people already use and trust: text. With 15,988,799 messages processed to date, CTL is growing quickly. In addition to providing text based...
Article: Is Being a Transgender Child Traumatic?
Is Being a Transgender Child Traumatic? May 03, 2016 at 7:14 AM From Blog Posted at Does being a transgender child entail being doomed to a life of posttraumatic stress and misery? At first glance it doesn’t...
FREE Worksheet Download” Understanding Your Moods Chart
What Do You Think Your Clients Hate About Therapy? 10 Techniques for Better Therapy Outcomes #2 Â What is the most difficult thing for clients to do in therapy? To me, the answer is a simple one: collecting data about their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. And who...
FREE CE Video on Kids with autism and the power of choice…
Children with autism have so much more potential than many people realize. One secret to bringing out this potential is to give the kids a choice. But, even more importantly, that one of the choices is NOT to do nothing. In this video, Dr. Temple Grandin will explain...
FREE Download of 974 pg E-book on “Biodevelopmental Approach to Clinical Child Psychology”
BIODEVELOPMENTAL APPROACH TO CLINICAL CHILD PSYCHOLOGY:Â Integrating the power of cognitive psychology with biodevelopmental principles, psychoanalytic concepts, and the child clinician's need for new technology, Santostefano presents techniques to assess cognition...
Article on Collateral Visits by Dr. Ofer Zur
COLLATERAL VISITS & What should be included in the Collateral Visit Agreement? By Dr. Ofer Zur A collateral visit is when, besides your client and yourself, you also see 'collateral(s)' in your office. Collaterals may include the patient's parent/s, child,...
FREE 2 minute Video Download “When One Partner Wants Out”
VIDEO: "WHEN ONE PARTNER WANTS OUT" - Discernment Counseling for the Mixed-Agenda Couple Bill Doherty — April 18, 2016 In at least 30 percent of couples who come to therapy, partners enter the consulting room with different agendas---one wants a divorce, the other...
Two FREE downloads of worksheets on “Helping Clients Build Their Emotional Strength”
Helping Clients Build Their Emotional Strengths This Week's FREE Downloads: Relying On Your Character Strengths The Relaxation Habit Most evidenced-based therapies such as CBT, DBT, EFT, and ACT, focus on teaching people specific skills to overcome their problems. ...
Domestic Violence Intimate Partner Violence Resource List for SC
The Community Awareness, Education and Outreach Division, serving alongside representatives from many of LLR’s professional boards, surveyed professional occupations and found that only a small proportion of licensees within each occupation receive training on how...
“Dispelling Myths about Hookah” Article
Get the 411 on Hookah from New York University expert, Scott E. Sherman, MD, MPH 3/15/16 Since there are many myths related to hookah, we were excited to hear Scott E. Sherman, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Population Health, Medicine and Psychiatry from NYU School...