Free Downloadable Form to use with Clients “Soothing Yourself When You’re Upset” from
Check out a sample of one of our popular forms: Soothing Yourself When You're Upset designed to give clients self-calming techniques that actually change the biochemistry of the brain.
Article by Ofer Zur: includes “Termination Myths”
TERMINATION RECONSIDERED: Dispelling Myths - Clarifying Issues Some terminations are short and swift, while others are long and protracted. In many situations, clients simply drop out, affording therapists neither the luxury of planning and discussing termination with...
Bikers Against Child Abuse Info
This organization was founded by a licensed social worker and has gone international.  Their main website is where you can watch an awesome video about who they are and what they do. They won the Humanitarian Award in 2015 in Texas (see that at...
FREE 5 min. Video “After the Betrayal” from the Gottmans
Can couples recover from affairs? Absolutely! But they may need your help... We developed the Trust Revival Method, based on our break-through research & clinical experience, for guiding couples through the trauma of betrayal and infidelity — to ultimately help...
FREE Technique — Children’s Strategy to Release Angry Feelings
Featured technique from Liana Lowenstein's Newsletter: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add to your repertoire of creative therapeutic interventions. Check out this month's featured technique on Linda Lowenstein's website: Anger Bag by Jeanette Yoffe
Two Free Downloadable Forms to Use with Couples from
Addressing The Issue of Infidelity Whether you treat individuals or couples, when the issue of infidelity comes up in therapy it's hard for your clients to talk about anything else. The main thing your clients want to know is whether or not their marriage or...
[Free 5 min. Video Tip] An approach for ODD behaviors
From: PESI CE [] Getting a child with oppositional, defiant or disruptive behavior to follow directions can be a full time job. If you're like most of us, your first instinct to correct a child's behavior is to scold them — or just do it...
Article on “Fees in Therapy: Dispelling Myths about Fees”
Fees in Therapy: Dispelling Myths About Fees Most therapists are more comfortable discussing their client's sex life than their investment portfolio, mortgage or credit card debt. Money and fees present some of the more complex issues facing therapists and clients,...
Human Trafficking Video Series
HUMAN TRAFFICKING VIDEO SERIES The Office for Victims of Crime has released the "Faces of Human Trafficking," a nine-part video series to help service providers, law enforcement, prosecutors, and communities raise awareness of human trafficking. The “Faces of Human...
FREE 7 min Video ” Therapy whack-a-mole, and how to avoid it…” and DBT Diary Card download
Do you have a client so chaotic in his or her presentation, that you literally don't know where to start? With so many pressing problems, how do you prioritize? I call this phenomenon therapy whack-a-mole — you spend each session taking care of the biggest problems...