
FREE 16 pages of Worksheets on “Intention” from PESI

Intention is the force directing an act of will. One must be aware of his or her own genuine intentions in order to take responsibility for the consequences of his or her actions. Linda Curran has put together several worksheets to help your client discern their...

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New Publications from SAMHSA (Free)

New Publications from SAMHSA Screening and Assessment of Co-occurring Disorders in the Justice System Provides knowledge on a wide range of evidence-based practices for screening and assessment of adults in the justice system who have co-occurring mental and substance...

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“5 Strategies for when Therapy is Stuck”

5 Strategies for When Therapy is Stuck:  Bypassing the Limits of Feelings, Judgments, and Language By Steve Andreas We’ve all had moments, sometimes entire cases, when the therapy seems stuck, our wheels spinning in the mud, unable to get any traction. Nothing we...

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FREE 7 min. Video: “5 postures to deepen the breath”

Are your clients having trouble getting to that longer, deeper breath that's so important to mindfulness breathing? The problem is, not everyone knows how to breathe deeply. In this free video, I'll show you 5 postures that will help your clients attain the type of...

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Article by Ofer Zur: includes “Termination Myths”

TERMINATION RECONSIDERED: Dispelling Myths - Clarifying Issues Some terminations are short and swift, while others are long and protracted. In many situations, clients simply drop out, affording therapists neither the luxury of planning and discussing termination with...

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