FREE 3 minute Video download “Using Empaty to help Kids Self-Regulate”
In this brief video clip, Martha Straus, author of No-Talk Therapy for Children and Adolescents, recalls an instance in which she used co-regulation with a young boy who was put in isolation after throwing a tantrum at school. Watch the video now »
FREE Download of Client worksheet on “Increasing Positive Feelings” from
Helping Clients Manage Their Moods One of the basic tenets of Cognitive Behavior Therapy is that we can teach clients to control their emotions, rather than have their emotions control them. There are many ways to teach people to "change the channel" on their moods,...
FREE Client Handout download “Comforting Someone in Need”
Teaching Clients to Understand Non-Verbal Language Most therapists, counselors, and coaches take time each week to teach their clients new skills. But here is one skill you may have missed: the skill of understanding non-verbal language. Scientists tell us that only...
Prelaunch announcement: Colleague wrote new book about Teens and Adults with Autism
Prelaunch announcement.pdf
FREE 6 min. (Video) “Attachment issues in the Bedroom”
From: Psychotherapy Networker [] Subject: (Video) Susan Johnson on attachment issues in the bedroom. Free Video: How to Help Couples Have "Hold Me Tight" Conversations Emotionally Focused Therapy expert Susan Johnson teaches...
FREE 276 page E-Book Download “Partners in Play”
Partners in Play.pdf
Article: “How to Stay Safe in Practice”
How to Stay safe in practice It's rare, but a reality: Some clients can turn violent. Here are some suggestions to protect yourself. By Christopher Munsey - Monitor Staff As evidenced by the Feb. 12 murder of psychologist Kathryn Faughey, PhD (see "A life well...
FREE 8 min Video on “How to help a patient who is stuck”
Our friends at NICABM have pulled together more than 20 of the leading experts in our field to weigh in on one single question: "How do you help a patient who is stuck?" This is one of the most innovative approaches we've seen to tackling a question that applies to...
FREE 12 min Video plus 23 page Guide on Overcoming Resistance
Free Video: Accelerate Change with Your Anxious, Reluctant Clients Anxiety expert David Burns demonstrates exactly how it's done. Why do anxious clients come for help and then resist it? According to David Burns, author of When Anxiety Attacks, many anxious clients...
Info on Online AA Meetings
Online AA Meeting Schedule: Â 8:30am Every day 1:30pm Weekdays 6:30pm Every day 9:30pm Every day 3:00pm/am Weekends Midnight Every day Daily Reflections 7am Wednesday Beginners Monday 9:30pm (all times Eastern Standard Time) Â Go to:Â ...