
FREE 12 min Video plus 23 page Guide on Overcoming Resistance

Free Video: Accelerate Change with Your Anxious, Reluctant Clients Anxiety expert David Burns demonstrates exactly how it's done. Why do anxious clients come for help and then resist it? According to David Burns, author of When Anxiety Attacks, many anxious clients...

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Info on Online AA Meetings

Online AA Meeting Schedule:   8:30am Every day 1:30pm Weekdays 6:30pm Every day 9:30pm Every day 3:00pm/am Weekends Midnight Every day Daily Reflections 7am Wednesday Beginners Monday 9:30pm (all times Eastern Standard Time)   Go to: ...

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How Salt Lamps are Helping People with Anxiety

How salt lamps are helping people with anxiety from Himalayan salt lamps release negative ions into the air, which reduce anxiety, and promote a relaxing, peaceful environment for sleep. Because Himalayan salt occurs naturally in the Earth,...

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“Widely Prescribed Antidepressant Linked to Birth Defects”

Widely Prescribed Antidepressant Linked to Birth Defects Liam Davenport  January 14, 2016 Taking a widely used antidepressant during the first trimester of pregnancy is associated with an increased risk for congenital and cardiac malformations, concludes a...

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