Great Resource! Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator
This is a great free resource from SAMHSA. Enter your zip code at this site ( and it will give you mental health and substance use treatment centers, along with all their contact info, nearby.
Article by Attorney “Avoid These Mistakes” — Food for Thought!
Avoid These Mistakes by Richard Leslie, J.D. April 2010 In law, a “mistake†is broadly defined as an unintentional act, omission, or error arising from ignorance, surprise, forgetfulness, or misplaced confidence. Therapists and counselors (and others) from time...
How Salt Lamps are Helping People with Anxiety
How salt lamps are helping people with anxiety from Himalayan salt lamps release negative ions into the air, which reduce anxiety, and promote a relaxing, peaceful environment for sleep. Because Himalayan salt occurs naturally in the Earth,...
FREE WEBINAR Feb 6th on “What’s Missing in Psychotherapy” by acclaimed author Courtney Armstrong
We opened up registration for our free webinar What's Missing in Psychotherapy last week and close to 500 therapists from all over the world have already signed up, which speaks to the great interest in this topic. Â If you've been feeling even slightly uninspired or...
View 9 min FREE Video on “Shame: 3 Tips for Breaking the Cycle”
Your shame-prone clients are stuck in a vicious cycle... Around and around they go. Beliefs about themselves trigger the physical response, which reinforces the cognitive schema, which then evokes the physical response...and so on. So how do we help our clients escape...
FREE Client Worksheet “Building your Support System” from
An Important Key To Your Client's Success In Therapy One of the most critical factors in your clients' growth is their ability to develop a dependable support system. Â Of course many of the people we see in therapy have problems in their relationships, and also may...
FREE 707 page E-book “Dynamic Therapies for Psychiatric Disorders”
Experts in the psychodynamically oriented treatment of various disorders (including depression, panic, generalized anxiety drug or alcohol abuse, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress, schizophrenia, dissociative states grief reaction and HIV-related issues) write...
“Widely Prescribed Antidepressant Linked to Birth Defects”
Widely Prescribed Antidepressant Linked to Birth Defects Liam Davenport January 14, 2016 Taking a widely used antidepressant during the first trimester of pregnancy is associated with an increased risk for congenital and cardiac malformations, concludes a...
FREE from SAMHSA: Outpatient Treatment / Counselor’s Family Educaiton Manual with CD
Matrix Intensive Outpatient Treatment for People with Stimulant Use Disorders: Counselor's Family Education Manual w/CD Comprehensive kit provides substance abuse treatment professionals with a year-long intensive outpatient treatment model for clients with dependence...
2 FREE worksheets from “Between Sessions”
From There are so many great ways to enhance your therapy, and while you're at it, try a few of the worksheets yourself, like these free tools: What Did You Learn in Grade School? or Just 3 Words