
Four FREE Handouts/Therapeutic Tools from Between Sessions

BETWEEN SESSIONS.COM Accelerating Progress in All Of Your Clients Therapeutic assignments can help accelerate therapy for almost all of your clients.  Whether you work with individual adults, couples, teens, or children, you'll find a wide variety of creative...

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FREE Download of “Psychotherapy Guidebook” (1,538 pages)

  The Psychotherapy Guidebook This unique guide brings together clear, concise articles on 255 varieties of psychotherapy making it by far the best single overview of a complex and crowded field. Each article was written especially for this volume by a leading...

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SSRIs and Birth Defects: A New Analysis

SSRIs and Birth Defects: A New Analysis Jennita Reefhuis, PhD  January 04, 2016 I am an epidemiologist with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities. Today, I will be talking about our...

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Four FREE Downloads of Worksheets you can use with Clients

From BETWEENSESSIONS.COM How to be a Better Therapist Four Free  Downloads How can therapy be more effective for more people?  We think about this all of the time as I'm sure you do.  We try to help by designing innovative and engaging therapy tools for you to use...

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“Dealing with Defensiveness in High Conflict People”

Dealing With Defensiveness In High Conflict People by Bill Eddy   When most people think of high conflict people (HCPs), they think of bad behavior. HCPs can be difficult people with whom to work, live and resolve conflicts. They can be rigid, angry, attacking,...

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FREE Handout from Between Sessions on “Self-Soothing”

Helping Clients with Emotional Regulation Emotional regulation is an important aspect of therapy for many clients, and is particularly emphasized to help clients with anxiety disorders, depression, bi-polar disorder, and borderline personality disorder. Our staff of...

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