FREE Forms for Clients With Boundary Problems
Tools for Clients With Boundary Problems  Free Forms From We're featuring some of our most popular downloads for 2015.  Many clients have difficulties with their personal boundaries, particularly those who suffer from   bi-polar disorder or...
FREE Handout for Helping Clients With Holiday Depression
Helping Clients with Holiday Depression Many people experience depression during the holidays which can range from a mild sense of dissatisfaction with life to a severe depression and a deep sense of hopelessness. Fortunately we know that depression can be prevented...
FREE New Behavioral Health Publication from SAMHSA – Addiction Counseling Competencies
TAP 21: Addiction Counseling Competencies Provides guidelines to enhance the competencies of substance abuse treatment counselors. Discusses patient assessment and screening, treatment planning, referral, service coordination, counseling, family and community...
FREE Downloadable Creative Therapeutic Intervention to use with Kids
FREE Creative Therapeutic Intervention to use with Kids ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add to your repertoire of creative therapeutic interventions. Check out this month's featured technique on Liana Lowenstein's website: My Box of Me by Mercedes...
FREE E-Book “Favorite Therapeutic Activities for Children, Adolescents & Families
Free eBook ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Favorite Therapeutic Activities for Children, Adolescents, and Families: Practitioners Share Their Most Effective Interventions is a creative collection of assessment and treatment techniques. You can download...
FREE 1 HR CE VIDEO: Why does shame stick like glue?
From the folks at PESI: Even after memories are processed, shame often acts as a barrier to resolution in trauma treatment. What makes shame so difficult to shake, often even more difficult than fear? In this FREE 1-hour CE video, Janina Fisher introduces shame from a...
FREE Ebook for Layperson: “Understanding Mental Illness”
In clear, non-technical language Dr. Andreassen helps the reader understand the types of mental illness - schizophrenia, mania, depression, delirium, senility, paranoia, various neuroses and the effects of alcoholism and drug abuse - their symptoms and causes. She...
FREE: New SAMHSA Publication “TIP 51: Substance Abuse Treatment: Addressing the Specific Needs of Women”
TIP 51: Substance Abuse Treatment: Addressing the Specific Needs of Women Assists treatment providers in offering treatment to adult women with substance use disorders. Reviews gender-specific research and best practices, such as common patterns of initiation of...
FREE 659 page Ebook: The Theory and Practice of Psychotherapy with Specific Disorders
This book provides the reader with the most creative and most effective approaches in regard to the treatment of the basic psychopathological disorders that a psychotherapist is likely to encounter written by outstanding therapeutic practitioners. Each chapter is the...
FREE 436 page Ebook: “Towards the Interpersonal Unconscious” (Good overview of Object Relations Theory)
Through case studies and examples, Jill and David Scharff explain the development of their ideas over the last 30 years, including: psychoanalysis, child and adolescent therapy, family therapy, sex therapy, group therapy, group relations, attachment research, infant...