FREE Therapy Worksheets: “Helping Clients Who Feel Stuck”
Helping Clients Who Feel Stuck Many clients experience a time in therapy when they feel they are "stuck."Â They may feel like they have anything new to say. Â They may feel frustrated that they are not making more progress. They may wonder why they aren't feeling...
FREE 236 page Publication from SAMHSA “Addiction Counseling Competencies”
You can either download it or have it mailed to you FREE! (Not even shipping cost!) TAP 21: Addiction Counseling Competencies The Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes of Professional Practice Provides guidelines to enhance the competencies of substance abuse treatment...
Resources for Clients with Drug/Acohol Addiction
I wanted to share some great resources which I believe would further help those challenged by drug and alcohol addiction. They can be found at: and...
FREE New Ebook: Psychology of the Self and the Treatment of Narcissism
Psychology of the Self and the Treatment of Narcissism.pdf
(FREE) 12 min. Youtube Video on Cultural Differences In Body Language
Great tips on differences in body languages across cultures!
FREE 426 page Ebook: “Cognitive Control Therapy with Children and Adolescents”
FREE: 5 Min. Video “Moving Forward when Treatment Seems to Make Problem Worse”
VIDEO: Moving Forward When Treatment Seems To Make A Problem Worse Chris Germer on shifting the focus from fixing a problem to embracing it with compassion Psychotherapy Networker — November 2, 2015 What someone resists persists. It's a paradoxical dynamic that...
Free 10 minute video: Dealing with the Inner Critic
You know those inner critics—the harsh voices that keep some clients locked in depression, anxiety, shame, or self-blame for years. If you’re like me, sometimes the idea of approaching a fierce inner critic with kindness and curiosity can sound like a no-win plan....
FREE 7 min video “How Mindfulness & Self-Compassion Work Together”
In this free video, psychologist Chris Germer shows how helping a client develop self-compassion can extend the impact of a powerful session and make psychotherapy more portable. Listen to this short and compelling video. Don’t miss this one. It’s a tale of...
FREE 149 E-Book: “Psychotherapeutic Moments”