New Pocket Guide: Medication for the Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder
Career Success Workbook Published by Colleague Sandy Quast
TCC Book Press Release.pdf
BEST FREE E-BOOK DOWNLOAD EVER! Focal Group Psychotherapy 1,185 pages SUPER-USEFUL!
Focal Group Psychotherapy.pdf
FREE 45 pg e-book: “The Narcissistic/Borderline Couple”
The Narcissistic/Borderline Couple: A Psychoanalytic Perspective on Marital Treatment  Author:  Lachkar, Joan Dr. Joan Lachkar presents both a groundbreaking overview of psychoanalytic theory and an overview of the drama that occurs when two pathologies meet and...
“Can therapists accept payment from clients who earn money illegally?”
"Can therapists accept payment from clients who earn money illegally?" by Ofer Zur, PhD Can therapists be paid for therapy by clients who make their living by selling illegal drugs, illegal prostitution, or other illegal activities? Legally and ethically speaking,...
FREE 44 page Publication from SAMHSA on “Brief Interventions and Brief Therapies for Substance Abuse”
"Brief Interventions and Brief Therapies for Substance Abuse" - new publication by SAMHSA - 44 page publication you can either download electronically or order (free, no postage/handling) from SAMHSA. Go to:
FREE Online Self=Screening Tool for Depression – link in flyer
National Depression Screening Day was October 8 RESOURCES South Carolina Department of Mental Health - Telephone numbers Practical online mental health info - links for mental health professionals, psychiatry residents, graduate students, mental health clients, and...
Article from “Step by Step Checklist for Difficult Conversations”
We Have to Talk: A Step-By-Step Checklist for Difficult Conversations  by Judy Ringer  There are dozens of books on the topic of difficult, crucial, challenging, important (you get the idea) kinds of conversations. Those times when you know...
From Psychotherapy Networker: FREE 11 min. Video on “Why neutrality falls short with divorce cases”
If you're like me, you were trained to think of therapeutic neutrality as the gold standard-in both individual and couples work. But renowned couples therapist, Terry Real, says that's not always true-especially in the case of contentious couples on the brink of...
Prosperity Centers — Financial Resource for Clients in Need in BERKELEY and DORCHESTER COUNTIES
South Carolina ranks third-worst in the nation for household financial security and nearly half of South Carolina residents are living on the edge of financial disaster, according to a January 2013 report produced by the Corporation for Enterprise Development....