Website for ICD10 code conversion
Kathy Stringer shared this super-easy resource (website) to help with the transition between DSM-IV/ICD-9 and DSM-5/ICD-10 codes.
Understanding the DSM-5 Single-Axis (vs. Multi-Axial) Coding System
Understanding The DSM-5 Single-Axis (vs. Multi-Axial) Coding System: With the introduction of the DSM-5 the multiaxial system of coding diagnostics was removed. In most cases clinicians have stopped using the multiaxial system in favor of the new single-axis coding...
FREE On Demand ICD-10 Webinar and other Transition Resources
ICD-10-CM arrives this Thursday ICD-10-CM Transition Resources View our pre-recorded ICD-10 Webinar (25 min.) ICD-10 and DSM-5 Resources Expanded You Asked, We Answered Q&A from our ICD-10 Webinar series
FREE 1,004 pg E-Book: Casebook of Eclectic Psychotherapy
Click here or on the image to open clickable.pdf
How the Internet is Changing the Way we Create Connection
How the Internet is Changing the Way We Create Connection Steering the Way We Form Relationships in the Digital Age Melinda Blau • September 23, 2015 • “Hey, Lynn, I just read about this new device,†I said to a therapist friend who’d come for dinner....
Charleston Co Public Library Book Sale Oct 10-12 at Omar Shrine Auditorium in MT PLEASANT
Every year the Charleston Co Library has a HUGE book sale. Usually hardbacks are $2 and paperbacks are $1. The Psychology and Sociology sections usually have some great selections! Books are half price on Sunday! Well worth a trip to check it out!  Oct...
FREE Creative Therapeutic Technique “Sand Art Feeling Jars”
Liana Lowenstein publishes a free creative therapeutic intervention every month.. This month it is something called "Sand Art Feeling Jars". Goals for this intervention are: To give children a concrete way to begin getting in touch with the emotions...
FREE 52 page E-Book Download “Time Limited Psychotherapy”
Time-Limited Psychotherapy  Author: James Mann  This psychoanalytically based psychotherapy requires the therapist to step out of the traditional mode. With its specific time limit and the concept of the central issue, this brings to the forefront of the treatment...
Article: Removing the Stigma Behind Porn in Relationships
Removing the Stigma Behind Porn in Relationships Removing Our Biases to See Porn as a Private Sexual Fantasy September 9, 2015 • Joe Kort  In more than 25 years of practice, I’ve heard hundreds of stories of how pornography use can damage people’s sex lives...
WATCH THIS FREE 15 MIN. VIDEO: Managing Depression: A Step-by-Step Guide