We provide services for ages 5+, couples, family, group, and of course, individual sessions. We see clients struggling with mood disorders, anxiety, ADHD, psychosis, LGBTQ+, military life and deployment, spirituality, a traumatic history, chronic mental health conditions, or anything that is creating a barrier for you.
Our team of clinicians are license professional counselors in different stages of licensure. We have a wide variety of clinical, professional, and personal backgrounds that enhance your experience in the therapy room. We take a collaborative approach to decide what treatment modalities would work the best for your unique situation. We believe in the connection between mind, body, and soul and will take an approach that address all aspects of wellness.
We believe that mental health support and treatment should be acceessibly to everyone, which is why we accept most proviate health insurance, Medicaid, and a generous sliding scalefor those who are uninsured.