General Announcements
New Outpatient Evening Chemical Dependency Program in N. CHARLESTON
Trident Medical Center starts new outpatient chemical dependency program in addition to afternoon Intensive Outpatient Program Program Addresses Growing Risk of Chemical Dependency Among Professionals North Charleston, SC — In an effort to address the growing risk of...
New Invention! Smart Pillow Jams Wifi Signals to reduce Dependency on Social Media
A smart pillow that jams Wifi signals when in use, to help reduce dependency from social media Pause Pillow focuses on people experiencing Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) syndrome and their habit of not letting go of mobile devices even whilst in bed before sleeping....
FREE Recovery Workshop “Emotionally Sober for Life” on Dec 21st
Art Contest for 2021 Poster
Art Contest flyer.pdf
FREE Healthy Living Program ($600 value) covered by Grant!
Good news! I’ve received a bit more grant money and have been able to open one more healthy living program. Program participants learn how to lose weight and keep it off, move more, reduce stress and sleep better. Who doesn’t want that?? And the best part is learning...
National Suicide Hotline Number Signed into Law
FREE 2 hr Addiction Training in GREENVILLE for Churches / Faith Based Organizations on Nov 16 (includes lunch)
FREE Programs for a Healthier Lifestyle!
I want to share info about three free programs I’ll be starting this week. These programs are free for a limited time for SC residents because of a CDC grant. The programs will start on Nov. 4 & 5 at either 5, 6 or 6:30 pm depending on which day you select. If...
Open to Community & Professionals – Virtual Family System Workshop Nov 13-14
Select Health of SC trying to push through contracts reducing rates drastically by Nov 1st!
Marlena Lownsberry ( sent me this message to share with all of you: Select Health of SC ( a Medicaid MCO) is trying to push through a new contract by November 1st. Most counselors that I have contacted have not heard of this, and a group of us have...