Posting Instructions

If you are a member and would like to send a posting out to ‘the list’, please send an email to with your Post in the Body and/or PDF and/or Doc attachment for consideration. Once approved, it should be posted in 1-2 business days. For those of you have been on the list for awhile, you will see that nothing has really changed in this regard.

Training Announcements: Postings of nonprofit trainings or trainings for nonprofit organizations with a minimal fee to cover cost do not require elevated membership status. Postings of for-profit training announcements require Gold or Platinum Member status. For-profit trainings in addition to being published on the website will also be emailed as a stand alone advertisement to the entire list of members and non-members.

Job Postings:  Anyone can send a posting for a job announcement regardless of Membership status.

Special Note:   Please note that we don’t post notices about people looking for [paid] employment. Postings should all have application to the helping professions.


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